Mônica Nunes

Graduate student working with LArIAT



My name is Mônica, I’m a PhD student from Brazil on LArIAT, I’m 29 years old and I really like to make people feel good.
As all of you, I really love science and I can’t imagine my life without it, but we all know that everyone needs fun and a good environment to have the work done! As an FSPA officer, I’ll have the opportunity to help all the community to connect to each other to enjoy the life at Fermilab together.
It’s my second visit to Fermilab, and what I see in this place is a great diversity of people, culture and ideas. I believe that I can combine all this and make the difference to all of you.
I’ll be always willing to hear from you and trying to connect to other people’s wishes to do Fermilab the perfect place for everybody!