Clarence Wret

Clarence Wret
PostDoc on T2K and DUNE
University of Rochester

Hiya, I’m Clarence and am a first year postdoc at Rochester working on T2K and DUNE (and anything else I get pulled into). I arrived at Fermilab this summer and am staying for at least two years after recently finishing my PhD at Imperial College London. At Imperial I was involved in organising informal beer-in-hand cross-experiment student seminars and coders clubs. On T2K I’ve helped out with the formation of the T2K-Young group, the formal representation of students and postdocs on T2K, which also hosts master classes (…also with beer-in-hand) during meetings. The FSPA has been a great way to meet people around the lab and was a very welcome helping hand in my recent move to the lab, something I hope to contribute to by joining in on the fun.