Jose Palomino

Jose Palomino Gallo
PostDoc on DUNE and SBND
Illinois Institute of Technology

Since I arrived from CBPF (Brazil) a few years ago to pursue my graduate research in neutrinos at MINERvA experiment, and recently, working in my postdoctoral research with the effort for the DUNE Near detector, I have been part of the amazing Fermilab community, and I have the great chance to participate in the different activities organized by the previous FSPA officers. I am very excited to have the chance to participate in the election to be an FSPA officer, and If elected I will make sure to bring new ideas to continue expanding our communication as community with the Fermilab leadership. I am very interested to create new channels of communication, and continue working as part of the FSPA team to enhance our diversity and inclusion efforts. It is important to continue showcasing the great work developed by the community, and how this could be constructive for enhance the growing careers of the young scientists, engaging them to participate in the new perspectives conference. It is pretty important to continue increasing the nice initiatives that FSPA has been organized, to bring all the careers opportunities to the table. Furthermore, all the social events are important to relate people in low pressure environments and enhance our interpersonal skills. As a new member of the neutrino social organizing committee, I will work to share experiences and lessons learned from the different social activities currently happening within the laboratory.

Being a native from Peru, and having the chance on my career to participate in different high energy physics projects has provide me a nice opportunity to learn and share multiple cultural and social experiences could be valuable if I were elected to serve as a member of the FSPA committee (besides to share my cooking and dancing skills :) ).