Graduate student working with MicroBooNE
My name is Aleena Rafique and I am a 4th year graduate student from Kansas State University working on the MicroBooNE detector. I am a resident of the Fermilab’s onsite residence since early 2016 so to me, Fermilab is my second home. In order to do a productive research, it is very important to create such environment of the lab where everyone feels inclusive and comfortable. As an FSPA officer, I would like to increase social activities in the laboratory. I would focus on getting more young researchers involved in what goes on at the lab. I would also try to initiate more frequent job seminars and other informative discussions on-site. Also, my previous experience of being student representative during my masters taught me that it is very important to convey the ideas, opinions, and concerns of students to administration effectively. I would provide a voice from the young researchers perspective and keep them updated on the developments. I would love to have the opportunity to serve back to the Fermilab community by serving as an FSPA officer and helping to strengthen our graduate student and postdoc community.