Andres Felipe Alba Hernandez
Graduate Student on Dark Energy Survery
Northern Illinois University
I am originally from Colombia and I came to Fermilab in fall 2015 in an internship program between Universidad de Los Andes and Fermilab, for two years at the Scientific Computing Division I supported the intensity frontier neutrino and muon experiments. In fall 2017, I joined Northern Illinois University for pursuing my master in Electrical Engineering. Currently, I am collaborating with Dark Energy Survey through my research in Machine Learning for sky surveys.
I lived for two years in the Fermilab village, I play futbol (soccer) and volleyball in the laboratory facilities, I met a lot of my friends here. I believe running for FSPA officer is a good opportunity to give back a little bit to that awesome fermi-community that helped me to adapt to my new life in America. Also, I consider that after three years in the lab, I can have a good perspective of things that can improve the experiences of everybody who comes which means people from all over the world with different ages, perspective, and cultures. I will do my best to keep making Fermilab a great place to work and live.