Hello everyone,The FSPA Officers would like to wish you all a very happy Pride Month! To close out Pride Month this year, FSPA will be hosting a LGBTQ+ Physicist Virtual Panel of 6 members of the LGBTQ+ Physics Community to discuss and answer questions about personal experiences they’ve had as LGBTQ+ Physicists, and to give advice for how to successfully navigate being a member of that community and being a physicist, or working in industry from a physics background.
The event will be held on June 30th from 4-5pm CST. Look for connection details on your email, or reach us at fspa_officers@fnal.gov
We’d like to invite you all to send questions that you’d like to ask the panelists to the google form here so that we can compile a list of questions for our panelists.
There will also be time towards the end of the panel to take a few questions from the virtual audience.If you’d like to learn more about Pride Month and why it’s celebrated, we have compiled a few links that you should feel free to read through:
We also encourage you all to check out the resources provided on the Spectrum webpage: https://diversity.fnal.gov/spectrum/.Pride Month is for everyone. Be proud of who you are and celebrate it.