Postdoc, MicroBooNE/SBND/DUNE
Columbia University
Hello Folks! I’m Daisy, a postdoctoral researcher from Columbia University, based at Fermilab and working with MicroBooNE, SBND, and DUNE collaborations. I have been a part of the Fermilab community since 2014 when I moved to the Fermilab village from India as a graduate student to work on the NOvA experiment. Being an international researcher, I have always enjoyed my stay at the lab and I owe FSPA for providing such a warm and welcoming environment. Over the years, FSPA has been doing a commendable job in maintaining a positive, and friendly environment and now I strongly feel it’s time to contribute back to this wonderful and diverse community. I’m very excited to have this opportunity to participate in the FSPA election and if elected I will continue putting efforts to further enhance life at the lab by both organizing social/cultural events and with careers and networking meetings which is important to enhance one’s interpersonal skills.
Besides, I’m open to organizing fun activities (online or in-person if the situation allows), during these hard times. I love singing, cooking, baking, doing yoga, and meditation and am happy to share these skills. I stay on-site so it is easier to approach me with your suggestions/concerns. I will try my best to tackle any of your issues using appropriate channels. Thanks for considering me!